Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Europeans fans fear to go on EURO 2012

Ten days before the start of EURO 2012 (starts on June 8) in Poland and Ukraine, BBC presented a video reportage about the hooligans in the host countries, and openly asked FIFA why did they allow this big football event to be hosted there.
Chris Rogers, BBC reporter, spent one month on the stadiums around Poland and Ukraine and he witnessed beating of a fan "who had wrong color of skin", fights between fans, and he even captured professional fighters who train hooligans how to fight and use knives.
After his return to England, he showed the footage to some of the ex members of England national football team and they were shocked. They appealed to fans that they should stay at home and watch EURO 2012 at home especially the non-white fans.
"Stay at home and watch EURO 2012 on TV. Don`t risk, or you might get back home dead. I think UEFA made a mistake when they chose Poland and Ukraine for hosting this event." - said Sol Campbell, who played 73 games for the English squad.
Many fans took this warning seriously, and some of the family members of the English squad (Theo Walcott) said that they won`t travel to Ukraine and Poland in fear of attacks.

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